1: must be a responsible member of the community. (in the forums and in game)
I don't believe i ever broke a rule, but i will most likely be rejected as admin.
2: clear minded thought proccess and thinks before he/she says or acts on anything.
I do most of the time, but everyone gets mad from time to time, most of my friends in real life say i seem to calm... almost like i am high.
3: must have the ability to help the community with donations.
I will be able to donate $25 in the later into the year, but i have a worm i can't get rid of so no credit cards on this computer, i wil most likely get $100 gift card for Christmas i can donate with.
4: has to be 18 years of age or older (some exceptions are made but not many)
I am only 13.
5: has played on the servers for at least 3 months.
Currently on played for a week or so but, i plan on playing as long as the server stays up and i have CS:S accessible.
6: knows the rules of the servers.
No Venting/Tubing. | No cade breaking. | No gay porn. | No hacking. | Don't bash on noobs. | Don't spam mic. | If you don't do your job you will be kicked. | No excessive prop stacking. | No Harassment, sexism, racism | and some more
7: must be able to learn things as explained to him/her the first time.
I do with almost everything, I passed Algebra in 7th grade with an A and Physical Science in 7th grade with an A only got a C in History other than that a straight A student since starting school, I read the rules to ZM once and never broke them, that I know of, i was kicked once, not exactly sure why though.
8: must have the willingness to do his job in game rather then ignore the players and continue playing.
I try my best to get people to stop cheating as it is.
9: should be seen helping enforcing the rules. People sit in crouch spots all the time using a pistol thinking that is the rule when the rules clearly state, "NO VENTING/TUBING IF A ZOMBIE MUST CROUCH TO GET IN YOU WILL BE SLAUGHTERED", i try my best to get them to stop but noone appears to care about reading the list of rules.
10: must Have Xfire.
My username is dirtydog104.
11: must have the Ventrillo client and know how to connect and participate in our Ventrillo server.
I have the client how do i use it? I am just completely confused on what to enter to the fields, i cant find anything in the forums about it.
12: references from admins you play with a plus but not mandatory.
None, mostly because when ever I play most of the time there are no admins on.
13. Not have admin on any other server, or owner of there own pub server.
I don't even know how to, and never applied for admin before.

I will most likely be rejected I just think we need more admins online, I play alot and do pretty much as long as I am awake the N/U ZM server is pretty much the reason i stay awake as much as i do. I hope i get admin but i won't be mad or sad if i don't. I just think that it sucks when so many people are cheating and no admins are online, which is most of the time i am playing. My latency is <50 most of the time even though there is a PS3 running off of the same router as my computer. I just want to be able to punish the rule breakers.