Disclaimer: This is a long post....but stick with it and check it out, Pen and myself are working very hard to make everyone happy and the server a better place to play at! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, read this and give us any criticism/praise that you can come up with!

1.) When loading into the server We would like to have a side menu box that displays the rules/requirements of playing in our servers, and you have to either agree and you get to stay...or Disagree and you are kicked.
I.E. 1.) respect admins 2.) rates (what rates should be set to) 3.)no bashing on nubs...etc.
A good example of the box is on the noobsalad servers.

2.) When there are more than 20 people on the server we add two more awps per team.

3.) IF, and I mean IF possible restrict flashbangs to one per person...(this is not absolutely critical, but would really help eliminate the amount of the round we are staying flashed.)

4.) Team talk while alive, and All talk while dead. This will help eliminate the amount of people muted and banned for mic spamming, as well as, will encourage the players who are alive to actually focus on the game at hand, and be able to hear.

5.) If possible unrestricted awps after midnight. When the awps were completely unrestricted at the night, we had a longer and more full server night life!! I think that if we continue having an jr.owner/top players/ admins on during the super late hours, that the server over time will pick up to be a complete 24hr server!!! We have the people, and attract the crowd for it. I think having the awps unrestricted will also help the awp lovers get a chance to have their way with the server as well...so It will be the best of both worlds, and those who don't like the awps can know that as long as they log in before midnight that they are restricted!

6.) Auto server restart after 50-100 rounds to eliminate any lag problems and consistency with the server especially if our night life continues to thrive.

7.) Server lag: The server has been experiencing quiet a bit of lag during the times of 20+ players...Restarts Aren't eliminating it. If required pen and myself are willing to remove all admin sounds (they are very, very rarely used), any extra stuff that is on the map including the body vapor. *Side note: the admin sounds could be removed either way to eliminate download times*

8.) Hit boxes: one day they are dead on...the Next it seems like they are off....I Don't really know how to explain it, maybe pen can, look for his input on this.

This is what I have so far, if any admins/regs/players have any ideas please just let us know...we Are willing to look at them and see if we can incorporate them.
Much Love _MasTa_KaT