I would like to see the awps unrestricted simply for the fact it creates problems having it restricted.People often just camp and follow around the people with awps waiting for them to die so they can get thier awp rather then trying achieve objectives.Not to mention when you see a player like Insane have an awp like 50 rounds in a row it may be great for him but gets frustrating for others who can play on the server an hour and never get to use an awp.
As for spawn camping I think the 1:30 mark is good as it is.I never see anyone complaining when its someone on CT who is camping the double doors past the 1:30 mark it's always the T's getting picked on.
As for rates,Im still waiting for someone to clearly explain to me about rates.If I change my rates to play on this server how will it affect me when I join other servers cause other servers dont have a description of how to change rates and what the rates should be to play on that server.Someone like myself who has no idea what rates should be set at depending on the server is kinda hesitant to change my rates and then wonder if I'll be messed up when I play on other servers.
My last comment is that there seems to really be a problem with people hacking,especially when it comes to people using anti flash hacks so I wouldnt mind seeing the flashes go since they only have an affect on people who arnt hacking.The worst part is there can be admins on the server and have like half the server complaining about one person and all that is said is that that person has been playing here a long time and doenst hack.All you have to do is spectate someone and you can see if thier having no effects with flashes and when it happens over and over again and that player isnt even turning away to avoid the flashes,rather is flashed repeatedly over and over and if your specing them you can see thier playing as if they had no effect.It really shouldnt matter if someone is playing on the server for the first time or has been playing there for a year,if there is a large number of people all complaining about one person then it should be looked into.I have seen more people the server because of this then any other issue brought up in this thread so far.