sutton, hell no i won't leave spawn...its my home, my safe spot, if you need me, you at least know where to find
as far as the a way i see he has appologized for his he really sorry, only he knows that answer. it sounds like he is a habitual offender in this matter....sooner or later one like himself will learn. i guess the word tact falls into this catagory....ppl need to learn the term and use it accordingly. is he wrong to disrespect an admin...well hell yes! does he need to learn his lesson...well hel yes he does. not only should you not disrepect an admin, but you should be a little considerate to others that play the game also....and i think these ppl need to be taught something admins know who i am talking about!!!!!
on the other side.....sutton is still part of this family. even in this game, family comes first, just as you should always put your real family first. a good player...someone i love gaying, almost as must as i love gaying PEN, but a devoted n/u player.....this should account for something. the FISH solution, yes sutton, you need your ass spanked....perm ban for a while, gives you time to think about the situation, and maybe give sutton a christmas present on the 24th to allow him to continue his play at n/u. probation for the last time....and see how he does. only you, the admins, can make that to you and to you sutton!
my personal opinion about the n word.....its just that....a word, just like shit, fuck, damn, redneck, cracker, hell, bitch, whore, sob, ragging on someones mom...etc.....this list goes on...hell, calling sws french or gamgina a woman, they are just words. i guess in time as some of you get older, your skin will toughen like leather, and these words won't have the same meaning...hell, if i had a feeling, it would have been hurt years ago. i guess there is a time and place to say things, ppl just have to figure that out....
"FISH" out....peace