Penetrator's right.

I am sad to go, but it's been hectic lately. Too many misunderstandings I just don't want to explain, so let the ban continue.

Everyone, I'm sorry I let you all down - I love this community. I love this community, and few of the admins, because I know they're ALL good people.

Give the admins respect, guys. Don't do what I did and take advantage of it.

I'll really miss this place - I love it too much. If I get a chance, I'll donate some cash or so and I will still write EventScripts when I get time to, IF that is permitted by Siosios as long as I behave.

I know it doesn't make sense: "Why would he donate if he's fucking banned?"

Well, like stated above, I could care less of the admins (no offense). I love this community too much and what if the servers went down because of a few measly dollars? Where would SWS go to? Penetrator? Anyone else?

There is no real home for a Pubstar if he's already found his home, here at NU. A pubstar without a home (pub) is like a hobo-star... Or something.

Anyways.. Peace.. Much love to all.

Special thanks / comments-
Waffle - keep on drinkin, man.. next one's on me.
SWS - you're good.. go pro for fucks sake
Bulby - fix your mic and your name ffs :P
Shooter - powerthirst.. for the fucking win.. RIP Perf.. RIP..
Penetrator - thanks.. sorry
Clay - thanks.. sorry
Koolaid - I know u hate me.. fuck you too.. but you're still getting drank by me (no homo / no pun intended)
Soopa - sorry for all the dissing.. i really love you man.. no homo
JohnGammon - no comment
p00nsauce - i hate you
easymaller - sorry i doubted u.. you taught me somewhat how to be a team.. i respect u
pasties - you've improved a lot.. see you next season hopefully
donkey - thanks man.. you're a great player
element - good admin.. works hard.. (like all)
jackd - gg
fish - stop campin spawn.. get a tent, some marshmellows and beer.. my place..

To everyone else I forgot, I'm sorry. Thank you all, and GG..

Live on Three..
Peace.. GL HF.
idle #n00bunlimited