+1 Ronin!!! Monty Welcome to the forums,"Thats so fucking sad".

Monty, I have tried adding you on steam friends and Xfire to talk about this whole ordeal that i missed out on. I get no replies. You have been a admin for Six months now Congrats!! However... Almost 70 bans so far?? Then this past week you have banned 5 or 6 of my Regs in the server?!! Theres more to being a admin than just banning people. Be active and a asset to us here please !! Get to know people on the forums and in the server.

Waffle and Sith ! Welcome to the forums as well. You guy have been Warned time after time about spamming and disrespect to Admins/Players. Consider this... Next time is the Last time. I want both of you to play in our server I Do ! And i also know that you 2 joke around alot. The admins that know you guys are more understanding. But this happened already we can't change it, so please Learn from it because if you don't.

Ask Sutton/Wad as he found out Already.
