I wasnt going to reply, but i made an account to do this. Sith, you consitantly complain about every damn thing, AWps, autos Ping , admin, everything. my ping shot up to 200, and then back to around 108. on my end i wasnt lagging but that is beside the point. You need to learn that when an admin comes in and asks you to drop an issue, it is wise to do so. Solder, Ender and myself all told you to Drop it. but you continued to wine and moan. Then you asked me to ban you. I warned. like i should I kicked LIKE a should and then i messaged pasties, which didnt reply. and also messaged siosios who wasnt there either. and So i banned you. I banned you do to lack of respect, You need to remeber that This community is run by good people who want poeple to come and play, have fun and not hear about alot of irrelivant issues. SO do us a favor would you. Take it to the forums, talk to pasties/siosios. or other admins. DONT keep it in game. IF you dont like how an admin is admining, then dont yell out admin abuse, dont comeplain more. Trust me I KNOW bitching and complaining DONT help a situation. ITs growing up and being able to talk to someone is how an issue is resolved. ANd back to my ping, i have shitty internet. BUT i also enjoy playing in that sever as much as you do.