first i didn't ask him to fix his rates i asked to fix his lag. we had a 350 ping and was teleporting and killing 3 people at a time cuz we couldn't shoot him. second im gonna whine if theres someone bullshitting me over something stupid as that. second i belive there is a max ping rule set at like 250? so even though his rates are good he is able to stay over the posted limit and nobody but me would say anything cuz theyll either get banned like me cuz he doesnt not know how to handle anything as an admin should. i don't care what you think but all i know is an admin should have to follow the rules same as me and he wasn't next time i get in there ill run around teleporting with a 350 ping and well see how long it lasts till im banned or kicked for being laggy. its understandable if he just has a little chop but he was skipping all over my screen at distances to where even if there wasn't doors at dd your couldn't awp him cuz he would skip across. and he shouldnt have to put up with my whining if he followed the rules like the rest of us