sith: You expressed you concerns w/Monty's rates. I checked them. They were fine. That's where your arguement should have ended. However, you continued to berate an admin, and when continually asked to shut up and play the game, didn't. I honestly am surprised at how long Monty put up with your incessant whining. It was about the time that you started say "ban me! ban me!" over and over into the mic that your wish was granted. And for the record, admin's are not exempt from the rules, but his rates were fine.

Waffle: I was brought into this server because of a supposed hacker. While i was observing, you did nothing but run your fucking mouth over the mic. The only reason i didn't say anything to begin with was not to alert our potential hacker to my presence. After i was done recording, i clearly stated that i was hearing too much chatter and that the mic was only used to relay commands pertaining to CSS, not your fucking coffee/vodka experiment. That obviously didn't register, as you continue to talk non stop. When i finally said "knock it off" your reply was "it depends on who said that; i'll talk when i want" or something along the lines. After muted, you then typed something like "i don't know you and frankly i don't respect you."

tl;dr: i don't give a fuck if you're a reg or not. When told to be quiet/drop something, it is in your best interest to do so. Mocking the admin will not help you and will get you banned (as is the case). Blabbering on the mic is disrespecting the rules and the community. If you want to chat about innate shit not pertaining to the game, type it out or rent out your own TS or Vent server and chatter to your heart's content. Just don't do it on the servers.
