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Thread: Mic spawm and racist

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  1. #11
    N/U Special Forces
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    Jul 2007
    Greenville, SC

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    betts not picking on ya bro but have ya ever played in the zm server especially late at night ??

    if not to fill ya in a little bit
    they join by the masses and probably out number the other the other nationality's (including Americans and Canadians) by at least 2 to 1, they for the most part cause lagg cause most (but not all have a ping of average 160+) which when ya multiply that by 12 to 15 average it's bound to cause some lagg, i would say bout 20% at least spam the mic with none sense singing and trash talikng americains i.e FUCK YOU AMERICA which me personalily i don't care where ya from ya don't come in someones house and take a shit on there floor, on a given night bout 30 to 40% break other people perfect cades or knock down or shot shit that they have no reason messing with, and also bout 30 to 40% again (normally the same ones that break cades) also go into spots on maps that are explicitly illegeal for all players i.e vents, tubes and hard to reach spots on maps

    and as far as banning or kicking them first off the vast majority have very similar names like all boxes or roxor or something similar and also as kicking them ya kick 2 and 4 have already rejoined (they don't grasp the concept of kicking or banning) and the banning is a hit or miss sometimes cause i can only assume are pubing or cafe gaming cause if ya ban some that just come back on another ip address and also one other thing if ya try to explain something to them they either don't understand ya, turn a deaf ear or play the dumb and retarded game (act like they don't understand ya but really do !)

    now don't get me wrong i have a few korean americans that are freinds of mine both in game and in real life but as far as ther servers go it the vast majorit cause problems ya heard the old adage one bad apple leads to the whole batch going bad same here

    and btw please don't think i am racist CAUSE I'M NOT IN THE LEAST BIT matter of fact i get extremely upset when the "N" OR "J" words are used in ANY CONTEXT FUNNY OR NOT
    i personally don't judge people by the colr of there skin nor race nor relgion but rather on the contet of there charater and there personality or moral actions i.e i hate drug bangers, drug dealers, rappist , robbers, and murders of any nationalty (and if ya think bout it theres good and bad in every race or nationality!!)

    but ya thats the full scoop of the korean conflict in zm

    Last edited by kamikaze_bad_ass; 03-11-2009 at 03:10 PM.


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