Vacation Time!
Well it has been fun but I think im done for some time. time for donkey
to move on for awhile. N/U has always been fun but some where along the
lines I got really competitive and lost my spark for the game. some of
the reasons im taking off is because cal is fucken stupid! They deside
to change everything in the middle of cal. Well that pissed me off.

Other reasons as well. Im tired of shitty admins in our servers. Everyone see's
the problems on the forums.There are those that should be admins, and there are
those that shouldn't. I see the way servers should be ran to make fun pubs, and
good cal rotation servers to meet the acommidations of cal players that will populate
are servers.

Its not N/U thats making me leave its everything. im bored as fuck with the same old
shit all the time. I like doing things my way.

pastiez/NU community it has always been fun guys/girls.
sure cal is going really good for once but its not going the way I want it to.
I get up and like 7 in the morning and play for about 7 hours.The WHOLE time im

Im tired of playing with kids that dont want to get good. They just play cal to play it.
i think im done looking for people over and over again. 4-1 record cal open w00t w00t!
it does not mean anything if we are just hanging on every match. sure they are ok teams
but we should have put them over are knees. Im done with looking for new members
trying to get admin for vent to make my life a little more easy! never got admin people
dont know how to get good and admins dont know had to manage a server and my people skills
are out the fucken window.

Thanks it was fun and im fucken done.


im out.
