Hello rag24 it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

...... so that was the messege that i get when ever i logged on to the new website. Some one put alot of time and effort in to the new website and it looks great. P.s. Thanks a bunch i was getting tired of the desert dust website theme. So this is my post that way i dont get that messege any more when i log in ... Case Closed. P.s. All the Jr Owners of D2 have really stepped it up and its been amazing playing in there lately. I dont think ive had to ban a single person in a month.(im sure their has been people banned in the last month but i think people are starting to understand the rules and the admins are doing a good job at ... well their jobs? haha. Any way thats all i got for now.(wheres Nomad been?) L8r. All. And to all a good night.