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  1. #1
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Canadian JTF-2 Skin:

    This is now a player skin in the Public Models menu. I made it at Vit's suggestion that we get a camo public skin. It's only 1.5MB, and was made primarily by me. This guy is a member of Canada's Joint Task Force 2 which is basically their version of the Special Forces. In Iraq and Afghanistan they go after Al-Quaida and Taliban leaders, and have captured a bunch of them. They also have some domestic duties. The skin was originally meant as a client-side reskin of the ct_urban, but I edited the skin to look a little more like a JTF-2 soldier and then I made it a server-side skin so we could have it on ZM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  2. #2
    Spontaneous Psychotic Socializer N/U Marine Zaku-x109's Avatar
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    im srry i havent been on lately b/c my beginning grades is shit hittin the fan so im trying to focus on that more. but i can try and populate the server when i have time.
    Lovely Wendie99
    Last edited by Zaku-x109; 05-12-2011 at 06:21 PM.

  3. #3
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    New Maps:


    Welcome to the Zombie Mod Institute of Technology!! Sponsored by Michael Jackson, we specialize in pwning newbs. Our campus has a number of secret rooms, climbing spots, and props to barricade with.

    This cathedral map is mixed between climbing and barricading. It appears to have no secrets, but it's a rather creepy place to be anyway. There are lots of spots in the map so it should be fun to play on.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  4. #4
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Winners have been chosen for September's ZM skin contest. I'll announce them once I get their access set up.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  5. #5
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    September Skin Contest Winners:

    Kamikaze Bad Ass

    Congrats to them, and good luck to everyone who tries to be top 10 next month.

    Skins Update:
    - Replaced Hell Knight with Alien
    - Added Lara Croft (Admin & VIP)
    - Added Default T-Leet to Public Menu

    No one used the Hell Knight skin, so it was just taking up space. I switched it to be the Alien instead. Additionally, the Alien had been removed earlier but I apparently forgot to take it off the DL list so by removing the Hell Knight, this caused a net loss in file size. When I put on Lara Croft at Vit's suggestion, that just brought the dl size back to what it was. And then putting the Leet on the menu just lets players switch back to it instead of a custom model.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  6. #6
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Well, we seem to be pulling out of the stink again. Hopefully it will keep up. 17 players on at peak today... That's a high for the last few weeks.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  7. #7
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    I've been thinking that the server needs a name of its own. For anyone who cares to read this, I'm starting to think that the server name is too lengthy. Here it is in all its glory:

    24/7 ZombieMod N00b Unlimited | props | skins | (66 TIC)

    So basically, it gives us 3 pieces of information in the first and larger half, then 3 more pieces in the smaller tail. We've got that it's 24/7, that it's a Zombie Mod server, and that it's run by N00b Unlimited. However, this doesn't look .

    Let's compare with some of the top 10 ZM servers:


    ]=[ Zombie Network I ]=[ ZombieInfection - Reload, HLstatsX
    (They also have the 9th ranked server.)

    #7: CS:S Zombie Infection 2.0

    #1: - Server #11 - Zombie escape - Alien skins
    (They also have the 8th ranked server.)

    So, some things these servers all have in common:

    A: Like ours, they have two parts -- title and informative text
    B: They all have names, save i3D which is a massive game server company
    C: They all mention Zombies. (DUH)
    D: Their titles are short and upfront.

    Our server doesn't meet D. Our server's name is long and drawn-out. I've been toying around with how the server name is formatted. I think that Zombie Mod needs to stay up front, but so does N00b Unlimited because players like to see that there is a community or clan behind a server. The problem is that Zombie Mod N00b Unlimited is long. So I've been trying to work around that, with ideas such as Zombie Mod Unlimited or Zombie N00b Unlimited, but neither of these are satisfactory. For the time being I've settled with the following:

    N/U [ Zombie Mod 2.0 ] Props | Skins | Weapons | (66 TIC)

    But even this I don't like because who's gonna know wtf N/U means right? Though perhaps the fact that it signals that there is a community is enough. That's impossible to tell though. D:

    The conclusion I have arrived at is that it might be good if our zombie server had its own name. You see Zombie Murder, Zombie Network, Zombie Mayhem, etc... Purely technical names aren't very common probably because players might not remember a technical server name very well. I was thinking it might be good if we had a name for it; something along the lines of Zombie Directive or Zombie Empire. If we took Zombie Empire for example the server name could look like this:

    24/7 Zombie Empire [ N/U ] Props | Skins | (66 TIC)

    It would obviously need to be ironed out but that's just a starting point IMO.

    Soo, does anyone have thoughts on this? Sios? Random?
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  8. #8
    Immigrant RandomHero's Avatar
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    idk about zombie empire or anything like that, but i think the server name change could be good if it brings in more ppl...

    i think we should keep the new name we have on the server now and see if it increases server population. then if it doesnt improve, we can change it back for the sake of consistency with the rest of the N/U servers.

  9. #9
    N/U Special Forces
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    Ok Natalya and random here is just my personal feed back on the new zombie mod name.
    First off i think that it needs to reflect what kind of sever we are and also let ppl know what kind of zombie mod it is since there are now 2 basic verisons. 1st version being the zombies kill humans and humans barricade which we are. 2nd one being where the humans kill the zombies.

    I too think it need a custom name like zombie hell or zombie panic just to throw out some names but i don't like the sound of Zombie Empire just doesn't sound right to me.

    Just to throw this in i noticed that server name has a weapons tag on end which anyone overe the age of 5 should be able to figure out maybe take it off or replace it with unlimited ammo to let ppl know.

    To be honest with ya'll thou not sure what ya'll are tring to get the server pop back up to but me personaly i won't play in a sever with over 20 some ppl just feels over crowed to me and too many ppl talking and typing at one time for me to keep up.
    Also i really like the new N/U tag cause it's short and anyone that knows the community should know it and i see the whole community took it up.
    Thanks Kami


  10. #10
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    I'm not actually a fan of Zombie Empire, it was just brainstorming. D:

    @Kami -- 2 Things:

    A: The post-text with skins, weapons, etc... Yea it's not terribly important. Just lets people know what's on the server. Maybe Unlim Ammo would be good instead of weapons, you're right.
    B: The server used to be very popular. Way more than it is now. Before I started tweaking it, the server for a myriad of reasons took a nose dive in terms of activity around the end of March, and for two months from April through May no1 played it at all and the server was slated for deletion, to be replaced with something new. Then Sios gave me access to add stuff to the servers and change their settings and the plugins that they run, etc at the start of June. Since then I've worked my butt of f to bring the server back. But even during the best of times over the summer, the few weeks of insane activity with 10 people getting on each day, it still does not compare if you look at an activity graph from before the April-May death. So yea my goal has always been from the start to bring it back and get it very popular. I can understand why crowded servers aren't that fun to you with stupid kids mic spamming and everything, but I think that more active admins enforcing the 1 person on a mic only rule and larger maps like lv426 will kinda negate these.

    Quote Originally Posted by RandomHero
    i think we should keep the new name we have on the server now and see if it increases server population. then if it doesnt improve, we can change it back for the sake of consistency with the rest of the N/U servers.
    Looks like this is the new standard for the other servers. D:
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

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