hey admin community im posting to present a query for a week ban that sean imposed me, he did it because i respawned 3 times in the omi map so i just reconnected thinking it was my connection's problem but i just kept loosing the server until i managed to stay online enough to ask why? but no response was given, where the case is that A LOT of players respawn every time they become zombies, like achif he has been doing it the whole month and no one stops him. but after 3 single respawns i made(not trying to say its correct but cmon).......

and above of all im always trying to brief ppl about the rules when they break them when there are no admins on, and also when they r online i try to alert them off pp breaking the rules like: blocking venting prop venting cadebreaking excesive proping etc, i know its not my duty but i still do it and still he just kicks me 4 nothing (no other admin does that they know how to warn)