Quote Originally Posted by blackwatah View Post
Hey South,

Congrats on makin it through core-camp! Get Good!
sup black long time no see, bootcamp hella sucked but in the long run it feels damn good to be a U.S. Marine

Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
Hey South! Last time we chatted, you were still havin' computer probs... I didn't even know you had joined the military! Well, glad to see you got your computer working, in one way or another, and grats on surviving boot camp! I've been... awol... myself (from both NU, and from CSS itself), and decided to pop in to say hello.

A lot of things have changed since I was last here, and I gotta say the forums look really nice. I hope everyone is doin' well, and I wish NU the best of luck in everything.
lol seraphim always got something nice to say xD yea i was awol too from cs:s xD and thanks on the grat. yea my computer was F'ing up but not no more, hope seeing you in office

Looking forward to playing with all of you in game xD
Wishing N/U the best this Christmas