Quote Originally Posted by Rey
VOTE! not being racist or anything but they dont listen... that korean admin is never on and doesnt help at all... Im tired of hearing regs complain cause they cade break, mic spam, ect...
rey buddy i completely agree with you on this one, im tired of complaining and whining and nobody listens. Since the majority of koreans dont listen i do beleive this is the best possible way unless another solution is found. Also, the koreans that do have mics sometimes use there mics and play music through it when the admins arent there at night to do anything about it. My last key point would be that i dislike being called an "yankee" by a korean. im not trying to be racist, but wit that one word when the admins werent around. It was racist than 6 feet under in that server.

thanks for your time, -Omega2058-