I've been playing on the server for several months now and to be quite honest a lot of the amusement I get is from people talking smack.Granted it's usually between people who are known to each other but sometimes random acts of stupidity can occur between strangers.Bottom line is people shouldnt provoke someone and then go complain when they dont like the response.If someone is bashed when not provoked theres usually plenty of witnesses in the server to validate a complaint.But the best defense is to merely mute someone if you dont like what thier saying.To be honest if someone is young enough to get thier feelings hurt by something someone says while playing a video game they maybe that person isn't old enough to be playing the game to begin with.You'll find as you get older you just laugh shit off and things dont offend you as much.Hell if I was offended by what people have said to me over the years I probably would have stopped gaming.