well, this is truly stupid.... I can surely see that you could take offense to what was said to you. And even more so, being that you are close to the comment. I know exactly who they are, they are both good, but not super good. I have seen them both play like shitties before. I have also, heard them speak to regs/admins/n00bs like they are shitties. But, with all that being said, if someone called you "gay" and your brother was "gay" or you were "gay" would you still take offense to it. If you do, then you are damned if you do something, and damned if you dont say something. If you dont say something, they might and probably will continue. if you do say something, they are more likely to give it to you twice as bad, cause they know it bothers you.
Now, we do have rules on this server, to not bash on n00bs, and to not be a shit disturber. Where do we draw the line, admins have enough to deal with just looking after the servers, server players, server hackers...etc. We can say something to these people if you want us to, but it would be better having it come from you in the servers when these people are there. Make sure they really know how you feel about this situation. If it escalates from there, then admins will step in. We as admins can not do everything for you guys, as this is of course the internet.

<3 always
Owner of N|U

ps. I hope this advice can help you