My point is, Juu Juu, that it just looks like whining to me.
i am a whiner!!! another thing to fix is in the mornings it bans anyone who trys to join, not sure if its propmenu just something i noticed this mornin, My biggest pep peave is that if you go into a room with stuff, if you just mass 8 filing cabinets, you can potentially lock em, impossible to move and impossible to unlock till next round

lets say ur trying to get a guy on a building, you try stacking up on the opposite side, only to have his friend zombie run into and break it, and bandit, i have never seen a admin remove someone for doing that, even after multiple occasions

changing propmenu to get rid of some items would be nice, i agree that bed frame is terrible and i think that the vending machine should be the moonlight 1 that is ezily movable, sofa and spool would be a cool addition

Vent campers just mass stuff on both sides of them (filing cabinets) and because it doesnt fit in the area it just gets locked in place, unable to be moved, and its rediculous cause the moment a admin comes on they stop doing it so its hard to catch em in the act

we also need some old maps, but those old maps would have like 1 spot that would be good b/c of the propmenu tower stacks would destroy them

i also dislike how people can stack onto a tower that requires like 8 filing cabinets, and then when they see someone stacking, they shoot the whole thing down, theres only 1 way up, stacking, so either make a rule where they cant shoot filing stacks down or just edit the maps you download and put invis walls everywhere