Juu suggested the senior admin thing, He said it might not actually be called senoir admin, but like it gives you the ability to add maps, perma ban, change server settings, etc, etc. I guess that just would possibly get around having to bug sios for everything on the server, unless you don't mind being bugged for it ^.^

And as to the maps, I just found out today that more maps were added recently. Lul. Tyvm for listing the maps that the server has. I know that we can ask the admin to change it if there is one on, but having the RTV/nominate updated with some of the funner, newer maps [or just an occasional change of the RTV/nominate list] will make it possible for everyone [including those who don't communicate ingame] to vote on the map to switch to. I'll post tomorrow after school the list of maps that you are able to nominate/RTV on.