Gun Game as of lately has been packed. The servers are full most nights. And while rates aren't a huge probably if there aren't a lot of people, when it's full its a nightmare. People are actually asking admins to have new players fix their rates. I have been annoying regulars to fix their rates and its fixed A LOT of the problem but...NU does draw A LOT of new comers.
Is there anything we can do to make it smoother? Other than making people fix the rates? If we ask people to fix their rates, most do it without arguing, or problem. Some need help and we of course help them, and there are others who just wont. I agree it would be really nice to have another option. I am willing to help or do anything to make the server a better and easier place to play. However, I would love to continue to see if generally lag free. _masta-kat_