hey Natalya and random and dev if ya'll 2 are around here's another suggestion to draw new or more players that was a suggestion from dilataed and dinamoXP along with a few other random players that we need more escape style maps whereas you try to run to certian spot at end of map to get to chopper or etc. kinda like the jussasic park map we have now and i personally agree. i have played on a few of these servers and they seem to always be packed. also i think it be a good idea to to a total map change kinda like u an sajora and short did on gg (i know u did one last night) but maybe try to get me u dev and random along with a few regs like cancer or dilated and go thou and vote on all those we like or think ppl will enjoy

i know it's work but might be nesscary hit me up if your up too it will try to be free all weekend