I guess since I'm supposed to be one of the jr. owners I'll comment on this.

I've been fairly inactive until recently due largely in part to school and trackmania taking up a fair amount of my time (though I'm getting back into the swing of things on CSS and playing consistently on the gungame server).

In my recent playing (the last week or two) I would say that I haven't seen any of the A/B admins abusing their powers in the least. Now, like I said, I haven't been very active at all until a week or so ago, so before that, I'm not sure what people were doing. However recently it seems like everyone has been fine. I haven't heard any of the admins spam the mic, spam sounds, slay indiscriminately, or anything similar. If I saw this was going on, I'd just as soon take care of it myself or talk to sios or pasties about it.

The only problem I guess I have with some of the new admins is that occasionally they can bitch a bit much for my taste (OMG YOU SHOT ME WHEN I HAD MY KNIFE OUT GOD) etc...but this is fairly insignificant. it seems like everyone is doing a fine job of running the server.

In the least, I don't see any reason for people to be complaining about the admins, anyway.