
Added Maps:


Removed Maps:

This is a Roy map, but it wasn't released on FPSB. It seems to be a heavily modified version of de_nuke. There are lots of spots and a killer acid pit. Might be a little human-sided. There is a vent, but a fan can blow campers out of it.

We had the previous version on the server just to try it out, but it wasn't quite good enough. This new version is way better... You can actually exit the complex, there are more spots, and there's a giant swirling vortex of death. This is a huge improvement over the original.

This map is a small town at night. The skybox is shitty and the map wasn't constructed very well, but it has a lot of camping spots and fits the theme. The map is also loaded with secrets. It will take you forever to find them all.

Removed: zm_future
I liked this map but I removed it because so many people would rtv it and leave if I didn't change it so I took it out of rotation. Admins can still switch to it using the console though.