Quote Originally Posted by Natalya View Post
Okay so the class menu won't have the wrong number for how many people are in a class anymore. I also removed a lot of debug messages. The class_menu plugin is now at version 0.97B so it's super close to being out of beta. I just have to make sure everything is perfect with it.

If you guys can, please tell me any problems with any of the following stuff:

  • Class Menu or /class

  • Special Menu or /special

  • Money Printers

  • Door or Vehicle Ownership

  • Door or Vehicle lock//unlock and info commands

  • ATM functions or your bank money

  • Handcuffing

  • Warranting or Demoting

  • Team Radio or Local Chat

That will help me double-check the whole plugin for it's 1.00 version. All other plugins are newer so they're not as far along.
There should be like a reason for warrant.
!warrant snac robbingbank
Money printers are glitchable and you can put them out of the map therefor no one can get them. You can pick them up like props and sort of direct them through the mountain, canyon part.
Handcuffing, both knives do a handcuff, sometimes when im doing close quarters combat with a killer and i dont have a gun it cuffs him instead of killing him, and say im officer and theres a bad mayor- im sort of fucked sideways.