Okay right now I'm at work, but I set the map to compile. Hopefully it will be done when I get home tonight. Even if it is it will still take me an hour or so to configure the server for the new map, but maybe that'll get done tonight and we'll have an new version of the map.

Things to expect:
- Black building got replaced. New building isn't done yet, but shouldn't be as ugly.
- Bank of the West has two new houses near it along with a Hotel. You can't go in the hotel at this time.
- Traffic lights added to a third intersection.
- Traffic light models upgraded to be séxy.
- LOL Night Club changed to TechNoir. Inside completely re-furnished and renovated.
- Fixed the glitch in the road at the end of tunnel by Renegade house.
- Added awning over driveway at house across from Renegades.
- Interrogation Rooms added to City Hall Police basement.
- New Elevator in Judicial Wing of City Hall. This is good for escorting prisoners to court.
- Hopefully the dark area will have light now.
- Fixed ocean texture error.
- Added plants to the windows on the Pool building.
- Changed lighting in some areas.
- Maybe windows in Maaco are fixed. Maybe.
- Fixed some of the hills having weird shadows.