08/11/2008 & 08/12/2008

Okay so I did a lot of stuff the last 2 days...

Player Models:
Okay so I updated the model menu to the newest version. This one has the access glitch fixed, so if you click the wrong menu you don't have to worry. With this in place Random and I felt it safe to add a couple public skins, to see how stuff works out. (Players in the server constantly ask for skin access when they see admins with special skins on.) So I added a Public Skins menu to the bottom of the current menu. It has the Umbrella SAS (which used to be on as an admin skin) and my bunny girl skin for the CT's. There's also just the default CT Urban listed there so that admins or players can select it to get a normal human skin. I didn't add any zombie skins, but the menu was buggy without one so I set it up so that one of the normal zombie skins is selectable when you're a zombie. Since I took the SAS and gave it to the normal players I put back the NU GIGN with the Admin tag on the back for the admins. I also took out the Alien skin for the Jr Owners and Owners to save some file space. (Random's the only Jr. Owner who plays on ZM anyway and he didn't mind too much...)

Admins kept the rest of their special skins, which can still be won in the monthly skin contest. (So there's still something for players to fight for.)

I removed a lot of unused sounds and 2 of the mini-songs, including the one that plays when you join the server. I ended up just setting that to the Final Fantasy victory tune. At Null's suggestion I also removed the No Racial Bigotry quote from FMJ since it had the N* word in it, but for now it's left on all the other servers.

Night Vision:
Players now spawn with night vision. Many maps are dark and sometimes you want it, but it cant be re-bought for some stupid reason. Everyone gets it now for free.

Weapon Spawner:
I wrote my first script ever today for the server... It's a script that lets you type !weapons, and a weapon menu will pop up. You can then select any gun and it will spawn right in your hands -- unless you're already holding something whereupon it will drop to the ground. In any case, this is useful for when you die, you only respawn with a TMP... Well now you can choose a gun of your liking and actually have a chance. I was inspired to do this because I saw a similar plugin on a different zm server. The plugin won't let you spawn any grenades, but you can give yourself night vision (which is now pointless because of the script mentioned above) in addition to the guns. You can't spawn weapons when you're dead or in spec, but zombies still can spawn guns. I need to fix this but haven't been having luck with it.

Null brought up that it could be cheap if a player gets an SMG to fight their way to a high point, then spawns an AWP, so maybe if people don't like this possibility I can remove the sniping weapons or something. Or even just restrict it to a few of the weapons. But right now it does everything except nades.

I've added a bunch over the last month without posting here... Can't remember what they all were. But today I removed zm_labor_gigantic because it gets RTV'd a lot, and I added zm_deep_though_remix. I also put af_omega_v2 into rotation. I had it on the server for a few weeks where only admins could switch to it since I wasn't sure how well it'd fare as a zombie map, but when we've played it no one ever RTV's it or anything, and the fact that you can shoot the lights out in half the building really adds to the scary zombie element, so with Random's approval I put it in rotation.

Umm I think that's about it for now.

I got the !weapons plugin to work only for humans who are alive. I had to update the events scripts version on the server to get this to work.