Quote Originally Posted by SmurfSniper View Post
so.... i finally took a few minutes to go into rp this morning.... and a couple problems I was having...

- I type !item and go into my inventory but its empty... BUT it says its full still so I cant buy anything...

- cant look around in the cars (but I actually kinda like that)

- !deposit and !withdraw are not working, type it in and nothing happens... but it does show my bank balance after opening my garage menu O_o Did someone rob the bank???? I almost had enough to buy the shelby I was wanting... now Im not even close

just thought I would try and help out....
also, Nat... is there anything I can do to help as far as maybe a building or something. not real sure what I could do but I would like to try and do something... havent been to active in my mapping lately.
Smurf you have the admin power to reset your inventory to fix the inventory glitch(0 slots 0 items).

Cars are just like that for now I'm guessing.

!depoist !bank !bank in that category, just walk to an ATM machine at the bank,BP,or government building and a side pop up should come up.