Quote Originally Posted by sean7488 View Post
oh yea i was thinking the auto sniper
There has never been auto snipers in our gg... personally thought they should be there but they have never been a part of n/u gg and as far as the awp. its not there now

Quote Originally Posted by Asian Invasion View Post
I haven't been in the in maybe a week, but has the handicap been fixed yet? I know it wasn't working before, a little unfair for someone to still be on glock when someone is charging with an ak
handicap is not working yet.


other things needing to be fixed

- spawn protection needs turned off, you start a round and cant kill anyone so you have to stand there and wait for the protection to end before shooting... and it is really shitty on small maps like run n gun

- is there any way to put a round limit in there somewhere.... maybe make it really high (like 6 minutes or something) so it will not disrupt the game... BUT this way it will end the round and the bots will not be stuck and have to be slayed before the next round will start.