No matter what your client cvars are set to, if the server has it set to a minimum and maximum ( or true and false, boolean)
Your Cleint will Replicate and Obey the server Cvars.
Just like sv_cheats, Rates are enfoced the same way.
If you go into server.cfg and set
YOur client will replicate such.
However, the !rate plugin reads the Clients "personal" cvars, not replicated ones.
If sv_minrate is 900, Then a rate of 200 is impossible; since the game will say in your console, if you type in rate
Rate = 900
*Note, The true value is 200, but the server has temporarily restricted it to 900.
meaning that 'enforicing rates' is pointless.
Unless of course, you have no idea on how to set Server side enforced-rates.

N00bsalad abolished the !rate command due to this same issue cropping up with new admins.

Quote Originally Posted by rjk83 View Post
Hey Khaotik, for clarification, client side rates don't matter is what you are saying since the server enforces rates? And, is this on all servers? and, therefor it is pointless for admins to chase everyone down and "force" them to change their rates?

Sorry, just seems like a lot of these issues have come through lately (miscommunication / expectation re: rates issues) and if the servers actually do force rates, then just want to clarify that it's pointless for the admin to force rate changes and/or the NU gods can exempt it from the rules and probably even get rid of the !rates command for all players to avoid bitching?