Hello everyone. Thanks for coming in here to post your concerns. Umm, you might have noticed that although I've been on recently I was typically (except 2 days ago) constantly switching from game to comp and back because I was working on the server and trying to fix all the bugs since the OB update. Anyway, as you all know by now I put on the thing where you can't instantly holster weapons to cut down on RPDM but it hasn't completely eliminated the problem. In the near future I will put it so you also need a few seconds to pull out a weapon and where it tells the people around you that you're pulling out a gun, so RPDM will be further diminished.

In any case, although I really love to work on the server in terms of plugin functionality, I recognize that no amount of plugin modification and enhancements can stop assholes from trying to ruin the game, and I'm guilty of not paying enough attention to the problems of immature players. 2 days ago when I was on like y'all mentioned I didn't really crack down on anyone because it was the first time I've really played the game in about two months. But, let it be known that the next time I see some of those players in game (Kitten especially) I'm going to come down on them faster than Lindsay Lohan stops at a liquor store. I don't want the server to go to shit just because I'm too busy working the plugin type stuff.

But umm, aside from me becoming more harsh with the rules, I do need more admins. I can't be online every day so I need new people who like the server but want it better regulated to join the team. So, if you want admin on RP I encourage you to apply in the application section. Normally we ask that admins have been at N/U for 3 months before we can consider their applications, but assuming that applicants meet all other requirements (18, can donate, not admin anywhere else, etc...) I'll see if I can get that one waived since RP is a newly popular server.

- Sorry, I've been doing server work more than admining the server.
- I'll start enforcing the rules more strictly.
- We need more admins on RP so sign up please.

Add me on steam: natalya_fs