good question i said i did notice some lag and rate issues when office and now that ya mention it crackhouse go a large number of players...but still the part that baffles me is we had 18 or so people in D2 the other night and everything was running great...why turn D2 down to 66 and leave office turned up? Office is more glitchy and has more people complaining of the lag and rate issues. i just think it would have been a more reliabe test of the plugin to turn down office first and see if it got smoother and more stable rates i say im just curious cause i could not see any problems in D2 until it got turned back to me and others are having glitchyness and more of a reg problem least that the way it seems. Ohh and one of the crashes that happened in D2 was my fault forgot i couldnt disarm people..when i tried to disarm someone it went down so one crash was my bad. sorry.