Reason it takes points away easier is to make sure the top person is really the top person deserving of that rank. If someone kills the top player, he/she should receive a lot of points for that. If you are a top ranked player, you should be able to keep your spot by not dieing too much at all or killing other top ranked people to farm points. A lot of people find themselves within the top 10 but notice it is really hard to actually capture rank 1 because of how hard it is to hold onto points when you die. I know this system so well because I held rank 1 in regular office for like 4 months in a row. It is a bitch to keep your spot so I would advise going after other top ranked people's points but in deathmatch, it is random who will spawn near you. People complain that they would like a rank system based on kdr but I like our system because it also incorporates time within our servers. If you are rank 1 at the end of the month, you earned it! Since I am rank nothing in deathmatch, I will come and take Ender's points away. Don't you worry!
