Few requests I have after playing for a shit ton of hours last night:

Increase range on the cuff command, or slower speed on warranted players.
  • It is damn near impossible to cuff someone without sneaking up on them or something. Every time I run to cuff someone they just backpedal (at the same speed as me), whip out an AK, and blow me down.

Disable "kill" and "spectate" console commands.
  • Players are doing this to escape death, jail, and to be annoying. (See below)

Disable !classes for jailed players.
  • Players are switching classes to avoid jail time, then continuing to due what they did before...claiming "New life rule", even though they technically never died.

I believe that's it for now, but I'll let you know anything else I can come up with but these are some of the main ones. Hopefully you can hook that up

- Dotty.