Quote Originally Posted by Vanishedsoul View Post
I am focusing on my wife and Child as well as finishing up my Masters Degree so I can go back into the United States Army as an Officer in the Army Rangers.

Glad to hear you do have a legit reason, Real life comes first, good luck with your plans.

My time as N/U admin was fun and I learned some cool stuff, so thanks.

You still had much to learn, but I honestly believe I did craft you and shape you up admin wise. Judging from what you've become compared to when you started.

I will continue to play on N/U servers, just not as a admin.

Glad to hear that I won't the only low-meat bitch getting abused by our ex-colleagues

Its no longer fun for me to play when I have to join a server and monitor people and not be able to play a game at a fun level that I enjoy.

I understand this to a point. It gets frustrating and less enjoyable for yourself a bit. But when it comes down to it, you are helping the players enjoy the server more, plus you signed onto this when you applied.

I Liked Dots short time as JR owner and him resigning his status also influenced my decision.

I apologize. I sincerely do, my intent was not to get anyone to do anything differently and I sincerely apologize and wished you didn't feel this way.

Its just time to move on and focus.

I am training for a 60 mile Triathlon where I am the Leader for the Mt.Bike Team.

As you can tell I am just to busy and spending money in other big better places...

So Thank you N/U for the fun admin times.


Army Ranger

I love you <3
My responses are in red.