N/U [ Zombie Mod 2.0 ] Props | Skins | Weapons | (66 TIC)

That's the current MotD. Here is the code for it:

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<title>N/U [ Zombie Mod 2.0 ] Props | Skins | Weapons | (66 TIC)</title>
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<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<!--  This is head table with the NU pic and stuff.  -->
<td align="center" colspan="4">
      <img src="motd_rand.php" width="600" height="460" align="center" alt="Zombie Mod N00b Unlimited"><br />
      <p><font color="#6666FF" size="+3"><strong><em>Welcome to N00b Unlimited</em></strong></font><br />
    <strong><font color="#FFFFFF">JOIN US ON OUR VENTRILO SERVER @ <em><strong><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></strong></em>:4327<br />
      PASSWORD IS Unlimited</font></strong><br />
      <em><strong><font color="#6666FF">Come Register and Post in the forums:</font>  <a href="http://www.n00bunlimited.net" rel="nofollow" target="_self">http://www.n00bunlimited.net<br>
      </a></strong></em><br />
    &nbsp;</p>  </td>

<!--  Rules Row  -->
  <td colspan="2" align="left"><div align="center"><font size = "+1" color="#FF0000"><strong><em>Rules of the Server [READ THEM] </em></strong></font></div></td>
<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>

<td width="40%" align="left"><p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>No Barricade Breaking!!</strong></font><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong><br>
  -This includes moving part of a barricade to join a person in their spot.
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>No Excessive Prop Stacking<br>
- Don't stack to places if you need 3 or more props to get up.  2 is the maximum
inside average buildings. <font color="#FF0000">*NEW RULE*
</font><br />
        <br />
    Hacking = BAN <br>
    - There is NO tolerance for hacking of any kind. <br />
        <br />
    Respect Admins<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;They pay for the server you are enjoying.<br />
    <br />
    Don't Bash On Newbs!!<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;This is N00b Unlimited after all.<br />
    <br />
    Recruiting on this server = BAN<br />
    <br />
    Gay Porn, Tranny Porn, and Child Porn = BAN </strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Do not freeze-glitch players while you are in spectate mode. </strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>If your testicles have not yet dropped, do not use your microphone. <br />
  </strong></font></p>  </td>

<td width="40%" align="left" valign="top"><p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>No Tubing//Venting;<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;If a zombie has to crouch to get in you will get slaughtered!!</strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Zombies who do not do their job WILL be kicked!<br>
  - This includes suicide, playing with vehicles, playing with built-in weapons (FlaK Gun), purposefully allowing yourself to be killed, purposely not killing humans, etc. [Vehicles and weapons are allowed if they are used to get to humans. Ex: Vehicles used on escape maps] </strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Don't Spam The Mics<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;Keep the mic chatter down to a minimum. Spamming of music, sound clips, etc. will NOT be tolerated. </strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Do Not Spam Other Websites or Server IP's<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;This is a very serious rule and you will get permanently banned!!</strong></font></p>
  <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Admins Have Final Say!!<br />
  &nbsp;-&nbsp;If you want to dispute something, do it in the forums, but what is decided in game by an admin goes so stfu!!</strong></font></p>
  <p><strong><font color="#AAAAAA">Admins have the right to deem a hard to reach place illegal. Do not argue with an admin about their decisions or you may be gagged/muted. <em>If you have questions, contact a Jr. Owner. </em></font></strong></p></td>
<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>
  <td colspan="2" align="left"><div align="center">
      <font size = "+1" color="#FFFFFF"><strong><em>Admins</em></strong></font></p>
  <td align="left"><div align="center">
    <p><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>
      Natalya[AF] [<em>Server Goddess</em>] <br>
      DoT [<em>Jr. Owner Candidate</em>] <br />
      Zaku<br />
      Cancer<br />
      Johnny Boy</strong></font></p>
  <td align="left"><div align="center"><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong>Sean<br>
    Army Ranger<br />
    Dranksta<br />
     Sacabu</strong></font><font color="#AAAAAA"><strong><br>

<!--  Server IP List  -->

<!--  That's about it.  -->


If you guys make changes to it just give it back to me and I will upload the new version.