Shit :/ I can't do shit :/

I've tried uploading shit to the server before but my laptop always crashes for some reason, or my internet cuts out in the middle of the transfer then only part of the file uploads...
Plus I would need Ender, Nat or Sio to upload the shit to the webserver since i dont have access to that.

Also, I can't way in on most things because I can't get in i end up having to leave it all on you guys...that's not doin my jr owner duties...

I appreciate hells taking over, but i dont think it should interim, i don't see myself being able to donate and continue as an admin for a long time coming. If ya'll don't mind, hells should be the full jr owner of zm. I have no problem with stepping back in the shadows and lettin him run shit, i have full confidence in him.

Sorry Guys :/
- Dotty.