
you seem like a stand up guy, except for your first post... anyways, the fact that you asked for us to tell you if burrito tried to recruit again, which scribe replied that it was just 2 days ago that he asked scribe to stop playing in NU, and now in your last post you asked again, well the original post was him doing the same to me only yesterday morning. my advice to you (even though you have absolutely no reason to follow my advice) would be to get rid of burrito, hes definitely not helping your community and you can do without his donation. as for everyone else, all i have to say to you is dont get mixed up in our bullshit, play on the server you like more. if your playing in NU and your miserable, and in NA you would be enjoying yourself, go have fun in NA. if you read the conversation burrito and i had, i said, and i quote:
"ROFLmyWAFFLE: i pay him because i like NU"
i wouldnt play on NU if there was a server i enjoyed more, and i definitely wouldnt pay for it either. also, if your gonna be miserable, then your making other players miserable, and so on and nobody will like playing at all. so go play where you have more fun.

Have a great fucking day everyone, i know i will


P.S. - this post was so intense it needed my real name in the signature instead of my ign

P.P.S. - im awesome