Sio, thanks for your honesty and your level-headedness. Like you said, this wasn't meant to be a hate-fest and I am glad to see we are working things out to at least being mutual communities. I am sure you have seen the Pastiez conversation and if not let me know on xfire. You, on the other hand, I respect the fact that you stepped up and actually talked about this and didn't just flame NA and hate on it. Like I said originally, NA was going to start way before Burrito was in the picture and he just happened to want to donate a server. And that is all he does for NA. He is NOT a global admin and doesn't even have admin on any server but the one he donated. Imo, he is a complete fucking retard.

As for the "exodus" of NU players coming to our server, I have witnessed that before without advertising or recruiting. When I left Noob Galore and went to X Factor Gaming, their surf server averaged about 6 players. Within a week it was up to 15 or 16. Just people joining me through steam. Not to be cocky, but I am a pretty popular guy and usually like by most. So I didn't think he was recruiting, even though I didn't see how so many people liked him.

I would also like to apologize for Burrito's actions and if it happens again PLEASE tell me so I can deal with it. We, the owners of NA, were smart enough to get a contract saying that he pays for the server, and we run it.

Edit: I hope he gets that money he needs for the sex change