As for myself, yeah, I've played on NA, but I've also played at NU just as much if not more... I've also been at NP, and... someplace else but I've no clue offhand... something I favorited a loooong time ago... But truth be told, I've been more busy offline with a... side project... as well as working with Scribe on our own server. But I would like it known that because I might pop up here, or there, or somewhere in Malaysia of all places, that my friends are spread throughout the net- where my friends are, is where I'll be. But 'home is where the heart is', and while NU is not my 'permanent address' anymore, it's still where 2-ish years of fond memories are, and is still the place I call 'home on the net'.

I had seen the Youtube video, and while I found it incredibly hard to believe, it was put forth in a rather believable manner. Honestly, I couldn't imagine it to be true, yet I was afraid it was... Scribe went and talked to Duece, and a couple days later, I came to Pasties... and we wanted to find the truth for ourselves. Things just didn't add up. (And here, was the muddling that I spoke of, Pasties)... what both sides said did not match up in of their own accord- one, the other, or both were lying, imho, and from that point forward, I wanted to stay out of it (but obviously, I can't ^_^). However, after talking to Pasties and pondering on it, just now reading what Sio wrote about costs, and remembering all the discussions we had about the inner workings of the servers, I feel there is no discrepancy in NU's side.

Pasties, Sio, I can't help but commend your forwardness on letting everyone see what was said behind the scenes. "Knowledge is power, and truth is freedom".

*shakes head* You know, I felt embarrassed and ashamed, humiliated even, from my own guilt at mistakenly banning Duece (hell, I didn't come play the rest of that night or the next day, and Scribe knows, I spent a lot of that night in tears of embarrassment), though to be 100% honest, I was incredibly frustrated at the fact he could get away with incessantly talking (at the time)- I had asked myself repeatedly, if he is an admin, why isn't he acting like one?, and could not find a half-decent answer... that frustration bothered me so much, that, on the rare occasion I went to Office Unlimited, I had him muted until I learned to tolerate him (after the whole WKS/Deuce issue- what, a year later?). Yet, even so, I kept my peace, and that following day, apologized to him several times. *frowns* ...and yet he wanted to pay to see me feel even smaller than I already did?

Sio, I already knew you were a good man... and even so, you never cease to amaze me, my friend. Thank you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, for sticking up for me. (and, tbh, I'm really shocked you keep logs from that long ago... I can't even manage to hang on to ticket stubs for longer than a couple hours!).

Pasties, you have told me, several times in fact, that you have had nothing to hide, and had no reason to lie. In the 2-ish years I've known you, that has always held to be true. I could not imagine why now, over a matter of money, your morals would've changed. And honestly, I don't care if anyone bad-mouths you, calls you a moron or whatnot... yes, you *can* be an ass at times- but honestly, I think that's one of your more endearing qualities. The fact that you can turn countless admins into NU's personal bitches via your antics, and have us love it, is a trait few can imitate. Don't ever change (I mean it. You do, and I'll have to hunt you down and Awp you to death!).

Like I said earlier... even though I'm no longer an admin here... NU is still, and will always be, where I hang my hat, even if I should come back for it 3 months later. (*relates an long-winded anecdote of a certain great-uncle of mine who was sent out for eggs one morning, and comes back with them 3 years later*).

To Ma Duece (should he be able to read this) : In your PM to me-as-Scribe, you said, and I quote, "Honesty is all I have". I find that incredibly hard to believe. You told me that you are a Christian, yet you sought to *pay* to have me belittled. All I can say to you is this : 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as you love yourself', and 'thou shalt love thy enemies and pray for them'. If I became your enemy after banning you, why pay to humiliate me, instead of praying that I'd become a better admin? I might be a sheep in wolf's clothing... but your fangs are poking out of your wool hoodie. My prayers will be with you, nonetheless.

To Burrito (likewise, if he can read this) : All I can say, is "Why?". I honestly didn't care about how mature others thought you were or weren't- at times, your antics were funny, and others, annoying (but little different than what my own kids put me through, so again, I thought nothing of it). I considered you my friend. You know, that admin meeting where your actions as admin were considered? I was the *only* one who had nothing critical to say about your admin skills, because at that time I had seen next to nothing that would've made me say otherwise, and what I did see was only occasional, and nothing worse than what happens in Reg Office on a busy night. I honestly can't understand why you would backstab your friends and this community the way you did. And so all I can say is, "Why?".