I am hereintherefor to known as the representive to certain redhead organizations (so named Gingers) We ask you to cease and desist on this avenue of club creation. The Ginger Organization heretoknownas THEM does not accept anyone moving in on their turf.

You may ask how I, a man part of THEM can be out during the day typing this post. I am not a full Ginger, I am a daywalker, and thus have all the ginger powers and none of their weaknesses (like aversion to sunlight), so I make a good representative for THEM...
So if you value your body parts whole and in one piece, do not mess with THEM, or you will be burned alive in lava (yea south park style) at the airport Hilton...

Trust us Dot, there are more of us than you think, and daywalkers are everywhere, they walk among you, they are your friends, we will find you...