I don't smoke weed i don't do dope
I am as saintly as the german pope
Lead us not into temptation, evil as well
Clear your mind, foul things don't dwell
A good life is with drugs or without
It's all in your mind whether your good or a lout
Many people have differing view points
Whether to stay smoke free or light up some joints
I used to smoke, a onnie or two
That is until i joined the Walgreens crew
It wasn't worth my job, my family my time
to light up that sweet smelling bob marley pine

I am on the side of those pot smoking guys
Against the government machine that spreads the hateful lies
I have always fought for the legality of pot
Because contrary to popular believe as bad as alcohol it is not
Given the attitude, the use, and the time
People can use it and get along fine
As long as they don't smoke up and drive
Just like alcohol they will protect everyones lives
Make it legal, tax the shit outta marijuana
But only if you want the USA outta debt, douwanna?
Hundreds of thousands will toke, release us from debt
Trillions of dollars in surplus again and out of the deficit

That is all, my pot rhyme will stop
Now all you free loving hippies smoke up that pot