Quote Originally Posted by Cogbern View Post
You know i've been thinking of this and i dont believe that it is a good idea at this time. (ive never been to a b-hop server) Having a b-hop server at least at this time almost sounds pointless to me. At this time we are trying to populate dust 2, gungame, deathmatch, and office unlimited, call me dumb but i dont think that adding another server at this time will be benificial to the community. B-hop servers may be fun but at a time when we are trying to populate several servers adding another server sounds like wasted time, effort, and money.

sorry but I highly dissagree. O_O

bunnyhop servers pretty much populate themselves. not to mention it is one server that you would never need more than one person to play. so its less likely that someone would join... see the one person there is in spec, and leave.. and it could also bring MORE people to N/U . why? because all the people that can bhop also enjoy playing normal gameplay servers... not to mention it would be something to do if the other servers was empty like they are very early in the mornings.