Come on Dot you techno geek squad!! You don't know how to make this happen yet??

I like the ideas myself but I really only switch to target certain players

Quote Originally Posted by DoT View Post
Is there a way we can get an auto teambalance system that checks like on connect, and on leaving the server? Or periodically (every minute or evry 2 minutes etc.). The current one only checks at the end of a round, which only happens when there is like 2 players on each team and they get rolled at the same time.

It would help to stop people from team stacking.
And when i join jacks team he wont have to keep switching to even the teams in players, but screw it up in skill.

Another idea i had was an at-round end team scrambler, so that if all of a team dies for whatver reason it will scramble the teams to make it fair.

Just ideas.