unfortunately, i'd have to agree with you. i love gg because it's just a different style of gameplay. i used to love playing it for the fun of it. i love new maps, because i DON'T know how the map works and i think it's fun trying to get to know them. ppl can go nuts with votekick/voteban just bc they get mad that someone killed them. it's a freaking game. it's supposed to be entertainment. my goal is to have fun and attempt to either win with as best a score as i can manage, stop everyone else from winning(this is a lot of fun) or just getting as close to winning as i can. it's supposed to be FUN. i don't know. i've got 2 gg servers in my favorites just in case n/u's drives me nuts. another issue i've had recently on there is teamwhoring. the skilled regs almost always go t to teamstack it. where's the fun? i like going ct or autoteam just to try and get them mad that they can actually die. enh.