its funny you say that saj, because just yesterday whem the server was full, a lot of people were complaining how no one plaays ther. after hearing about your post i understand why they dont want to play there.

i think a reason admins got tired of it was the constant bitching and yelling, and 10 people on the mic yellin at how they got bullshitted on a backknife. it may look like an easy server to administer (thats what i thought when i got my admin there) but unless you can take verbal abuse and keep ur composure, its hard to sit there and take complaints while tryiing to play and populate.

i think the next time someone complains about something in the server we should say "Visit n00b Unlimited gaming community and post your suggestions on how to make it better" if they arent lazy, and really are regs, theyll do it.

but overall last night was a good night for n/u we had 5 servers populated at one time. office, zombie mod, mini games, crackhouse, and gun game. mainly because o the spread of admins in all the servers. we should keep this up!
