i'll let the others speak for the 4 corners i personally love it and miss it and once all the regs learn all the spots and secrets good map
we also played volcano escape some and the light house some but i know how ya feel bout both nat so i will leave it at that

bout the rotation moonlight and base day and the other first 4 to 5 maps needs to be reshuffled around people get tired of them esp when server crashes alot as it has lately

and yes please remove roy the ship even thou i like it for some spots it's not worth it for all the illegal spots and the n00bs that go there esp when there in the crouch spot by stairs or in the van in crate
or would you consider doing a remake of it nat to remove these problems ??

one more the end map gets rtv alot alot of people hate it for same reasons as roy the ship tubers and what not