I'd say to do a server reset to 1 year ago (mods and shit, points, all that stuff taken off), make RTV the way it was, etc... Thats the server specific stuff.. Also, the admins shouldn't really be involved in what is going on unless there is a problem, then they should take care of the problem and go back to playing... (we went through a string of admins that didn't abuse their power per se, but made it known that they were admins and that they were in charge instead of just being another player and using their powers only when needed; most of the time, people didn't know I was an admin until they were continually being a bitch)

Another contributing factor is that there was a big group of regs and it got into a close-knit group... The close-knit group (possibly admins also) weren't very "accommodating" to new people so when one person left, the group got one person smaller and so on...

The thing that organ is mentioning is things like a annoying regs getting in trouble from the admin for being a bitch so they would steam msging sajora and sajora would come in the server big dick swinging and piss people off... (try not to get pissed sajora)

I also heard something rumored that a ton of the regs were using wallhacks in the past few months so I'm guessing they jetted after sio whitelisted the server... I somehow always seemed to manage to be able to play without gun skins and have a good time. (plus, lots of servers are white listed & populated)

It sucks to hear that gungame is losing players.. Time to re-install...