ya didn't mention mini games never been there and i don't have it in my server list atm

and noogey i only said i started n/u with gun game not counter strike or counter strike source or half life for that matter

started half life back in bout late 1998 or early 1999 i remember cause i was working on docks at a company at time prob bout 3 to 5 months after it came out
counter strike was first major popular mod that came out and started that around fall of 1999 and have tried a few different versions over the years and mods have played every version and mod of half life now for most part ya name it i have done it pretty much

believe me I'm a senor at this game (or a old fart) but i have seen it all the betas the growing pains the ugly old versions everything
kinda hard to believe I've been here off and on for whole 11 years and that's one thing that very few people that can play can claim but i swear it's all true

i guess you can say I'm addicted now