Quote Originally Posted by siosios View Post
thank god someone finally knows my pain!!!!!

the gun game server is at the latest release of the source engine that drives the server and does automatically set peoples rates but you guys are not taking into affect the lack of proper connections on the client side to be able to handle a 100 tic server, also if ( as said above) joe blo comes into the server with a crappy pc and even shitier internet connection then of course the server can only do what it can to fix the issue.

your comments are noted for the record.

Ive always felt your pain man..ive been tryin to tell mother fu&%s this shit for ever but noooooo they all know better LMAO..and think its the server..wtfe..anyways what Dj says is right if you just set the rates at..cmd_rate 101 cl_updaterate 101 and rate at 30000 you should never have a problem in any of our servers...end of story..thats it take the time to set the shit right and it will all be good.